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Top Three Advantages to Kokomo Property Owners that CRM Properties Provides | CRM Properties Inc

Top Three Advantages to Kokomo Property Owners that CRM Properties Provides

When we’re talking to landlords and investors who are looking for professional property management services, we like to discuss what makes us different from other property management companies. We find there are a few things that really set us apart from the other companies out there.

CRM Properties is a One-Stop ShopCRM Properties is a One-Stop Shop

One of the first things we feel we offer that others do not is that we are really a one-stop shop for real estate investments. We offer real estate investing consultations and education. We help our owners and landlords learn more about real estate investing. As licensed real estate agents, we have the ability to help you purchase properties. We are experts on buying rental homes and investment properties. We can help you go through the local MLS, and we have a lot of pocket listings to help you find that perfect rental property to purchase. We also offer full construction for property renovations. We can be the general contractor and do all the work for you. When you buy a property and you need help getting it ready to occupy, we can do as little or as much as you want to handle that property renovation. The bread and butter of what we do is our full-service property management. We can handle the day-to-day management of your property on all levels.

Providing Property Management GuaranteesProviding Property Management Guarantees

Our guarantees set us apart from our competitors. These guarantees include:
  • 30-day Leasing Guarantee.
  • 12-month Tenant Guarantee.
  • Eviction Guarantee.
  • Pet Guarantee.
  • Waste & Water Lien Guarantee.

Property Evaluation ProcessProperty Evaluation Process

Not a lot of management companies are doing property evaluations, and we find them to be invaluable in maintaining the property’s condition and keeping good tenants placed. We do a move-in evaluation prior to the tenant taking residence. This includes a report with lots of pictures and videos to detail the condition of the property upon move-in. The tenant will sign the report to show they agree with the move-in inspection. We also do a lease compliance walk-through once the tenant is in place. Within the first nine months, we will do a thorough walk-through of the property to see if:
  • The tenant is complying with the lease.
  • The tenant is taking good care of the property.
Again, we’ll provide pictures and notes to show how the property looks with the tenant living there. It allows us to catch any potential issues before they become time-consuming and costly. If the tenants have a pet in the property, we will do an annual pet inspection. We require the tenants to purchase a pet inspection, and once a year we will walk through to make sure the pet is not damaging the home and that the tenant is being responsible with their pet. The last inspection we do is our move-out inspection. The move-out inspection is the same as the move-in, where we compare it to what we documented before the tenant began living there. This helps us to address any items and determine if problems should be classified as normal wear and tear or if the damages are the tenant’s responsibility. These are just three of the things that set us apart. There’s a lot more we can tell you. If you have any questions regarding our points of difference, please do not hesitate to contact us at CRM Properties.